domingo, octubre 07, 2007
We Do NoT PRaCTiCe ZaZeN* To aTTaiN eNLiGHTeNMeNT, BuT RaTHeR To eXPReSS ouR TRue NaTuRe. eVeN YouR THiNKiNG iS aN eXPReSSioN oF YouR TRue NaTuRe WHeN You aRe PRaCTiCiNG ZaZeN.
iN ouR ZaZeN PRaCTiCe We SToP aouR THiNKiNG, aND We aRe FRee FRoM ouR eMoTioNaL aCTiViTY, We Do NoT SaY THeRe iS No eMoTioNaL aCTiViTY, BuT We aRe FRee FRoM iT. We Do NoT SaY We aRe NoT THiNKiNG, BuT ouR LiFe aCTiViTY iS NoT LiMiTeD BY ouR THiNKiNG MiND. iN SHoRT, We CaN SaY THaT We TRuST ouRSeLVeS CoMPLeTeLY, WHiTouT THiNKiNG, WiTHouT FeeLiNG, WiTHouT DiSCRiMiNaTiNG BeTWeeN GooD aND BaD, RiGHT aND WRoNG. tHaT iS ouR PRaCTiCe.
*Zazen physically is no more than sitting upright in the cross-leggend posture and meditating. But in the Soto Zen Tradition of Dogen and Suzuki-roshi, zazen is the same as the whole truth of Buddhism. It is the Zen practice of abiding beyond thinking
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