En vista de que llevo semanas intentando subir las fotos de "Mannheimm", Heidelberg y Schwtzinger, sin exito, estoy publicando estos renglones en forma de protesta, hahahaha.
martes, diciembre 19, 2006
martes, diciembre 12, 2006
NeWtOn LeTtEr... a NeW ThEoRy AbOut LiGht
NeW ThEoRy AbOut LiGht

"The Royal Society" ha digitalizado su archivo completo de proceedings, todos los numeros a partir del volumen 1 numero 1 de Marzo de 1665. Si desean leer a Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin y Edmund Halley en su idioma original, podran hacerlo gratis todo diciembre del 2006"
The Royal Society has digitalized all the proceedings of his archive, from 1665. you can access to them for free until the end of December 2006.

"The Royal Society" ha digitalizado su archivo completo de proceedings, todos los numeros a partir del volumen 1 numero 1 de Marzo de 1665. Si desean leer a Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin y Edmund Halley en su idioma original, podran hacerlo gratis todo diciembre del 2006"
The Royal Society has digitalized all the proceedings of his archive, from 1665. you can access to them for free until the end of December 2006.
jueves, diciembre 07, 2006
The Large Millimeter Telescope

The Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT), designed by MAN Technologie, is a 50-m diameter single-dish telescope optimized for astronomical observations at millimeter wavelengths (0.85 mm < λ < 4 mm). The LMT Project is a bi-national collaboration between México and the U.S.A. The institutions leading this effort are the Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE) and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (UMass) respectively.

The Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT) is under construction on the summit (at an altitude of 4,600 m or 15,000 ft) of the dormant volcano Sierra Negra, located within the National Park Pico de Orizaba in the Mexican state of Puebla, ~100 km east of the LMT Observatory at the Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE). The proximity of Volcán Sierra Negra to the LMTO at INAOE (2 hours by road), and major Mexican cities and international airports (Puebla 85km - 2hours; Mexico City 250km - 4 hours) allows for good logistical support at the site from the LMTO staff at both INAOE and UMASS.
The LMT site (+18º 59' 06" N; 97º 18' 53" W) provides good access to both northern and southern hemisphere sources.
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