Thanks to very nice people here, I have had the oportunity to try Raclette, Fondue and Crêpes, these dishes are the most traditional here, in the french side of Suitzerland, and I have to say that they are very tasty. Mme Cariage is a very nice lady with whom I am living, and as I did not know the Raclette and Fondue, she arrange everything to let me know them, although these dishes are for winter.
(Gracias a que hay gente super linda aquí, he tenido la oportunidad de probar la Raclette, el Fondue y las Crepas, estos platillos son los más tradicionales de la parte francesa de Suiza, y tengo que decir que estuvieron buenísimos. Mme Carige es una señora super linda con la que estoy viviendo, como no había probado la Raclette ni el Fondue, preparó todo para que los probara, a pesar de que estos se acostumbran en invierno.)

Jean Claude and me cooking the Fondue.
Fondue is chesse mixed with licor and spices, and is kept in a liquid state so that diners can dip bread into the sauce. If the bread (or fruit for the chocolate's fondue) is lost in the cheese, it is tradition for that person to buy a round of drinks or to be punished in another way.
(El Fondue es queso mezclado con licor y especias, derretido de tal forma que se pueda mojar pan en el. Si el pan (o la fruta para el fondue de chocolate) se queda en el recipiente, es tradición que la persona que lo haya perdido pague una ronda a los demás o se le castigue de otra forma.)

Raclette is essentially melted cheese, served over boiled potatoes (optionally, with lots of ground black pepper), accompanied by ham, small pickled onions and gherkins.
La Raclette es esencialemnte queso derretido, y se sirve con papas hervidas (opcionalmente con mucha pimienta), acompañada de jamón, cebollitas o pepinillos.

And Crêpes, everybody knows them, and in one of the dinners, that Sabine kindly have invited us, she made crêpes:

I can not finish this post without mention that, although the rule of the fondue is well know, there are people that set the punishment and do not pay, haha, isn't it? ... CACM
(No puedo terminar esta entrada sin mencionar que a pesar de que lo de la regla del fondue es muy conocida, hay personas que ponen el castigo y no lo cumplen, jaja, ¿no es así? ... CACM)